Invited Opening keynote address “The Healthy migrant effect and its policy implications: under-estimation of migrants’ health issues and the salmon bias hypothesis” ; The Inaugural International Conference on Migration, Social Disadvantage and Health, Melbourne, Australia, 11 – 13 February, 2015
Closing keynote: Reducing migration-related health inequalities- where to from her? The Inaugural International Conference on Migration, Social Disadvantage and Health, Melbourne, Australia, 11 – 13 February, 2015
Invited keynote presentation Type 2 diabetes among African migrants in Australia: the role of vitamin D Deficiency, Secodn African Diabetes Conference, Yaounde, Cameroon, 25-28 Feb 2014
Invited keynote presentation, Health, social, and economic impact of voluntary migration, International Symposium on Migrant Health Policy and Research in China: Health Equity, Social Integration and Health Outcomes, Guangzhou, China, Sep 6-8, 2015
Invited keynote presentation States’ New Approaches to Health and Migration, The 2nd Research Exchange Workshop and Public Briefing on “Bringing the Migrant Health Discourse into Policy”28-29 November 2012, Makati City, The Philippines, Asia-Europe Foundation
Invited keynote presentation. “I don’t know how” – An Explanation of Australian Based African Migrants Knowledge on blood donation. Blood Donation-a reflection on altruism, solidarity, and risk management, Montreal, Canada, 4-12 December 2012, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Centre – Urbanisation Culture Société
Invited Opening keynote address: “Applying an acculturation lens for better working with refugee families and communities”. Dilemmas of differential acculturation rates within refugee families and communities: implications for practice; Sydney, 10 September 2012. The NSW Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors
Invited Opening keynote address. Plenary presentation. “Evidence-based food aid program programming”. Global Food Forum” – Manila, the Philippines, 28 – 31 March 2011; World Vision International
Opening Keynote Address. “Alcohol and Drug Prevention among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities”; Drug and Health Alliance Professional’s Forum. Melbourne, 24 February 2011
Opening Keynote Address “The Contribution of Acculturation Concepts to Obesity Prevention”. Ground Rounds, Cultural Diversity Week Celebrations; Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre. Melbourne 21 March 2011 (Keynote)
Invited Keynote Address – “Vitamin D deficiency, obesity and Type 2 diabetes among African migrant and refugee adults in Melbourne”, Nutrition Society of Australia’s ‘Too Much of a Good Thing’ Symposium, the Gabba, Brisbane, 9 October 2010 (Keynote).
Invited Keynote Address; ‘Spotlight on Stereotypes’. Media Forum, Ethnic Community Council of Victoria; Melbourne, 13 May 2010 (Keynote)
Invited speaker; “Preventing chronic disease among disadvantaged communities”, AMREP 4th World Health Day Conference; Melbourne, 7 April 2010 (Invited presentation)
Invited guest speaker, “applying socio-cultural frameworks to obesity prevention”, Collaboration of Community-based Obesity Prevention, Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing, Geelong 25-30 June 2009 (Invited presentation)
Invited speaker Improving Child Survival Through Key Nutrition and Health Interventions. Integrated community-based micronutrient and health. World Vision International and the Canadian International Development Agency. Lilongwe, Malawi, 20-23 June 2005 (Invited presentation)
Invited speaker Eliminating Nutrition deficiency through food fortification. Integrated community-based micronutrient and health. World Vision International and the Canadian International Development Agency; Johannesburg, South Africa, 12-15 August 2006 (Invited presentation)