With over 20 years experience in Humanitarian and Development Aid, Professor Andre Renzaho is overseeing the contents of the new units in the degree to ensure their practical and theoretical relevance; and is excited to be teaching within this new course at Western Sydney University. The degree offers a mix of theory driven and practical exercises as well as an international placement. Students will be equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to work with national and international government and non-government organisations implementing short and long-term saving programs.
Andre teaches undergraduate and postgraduate units in Humanitarian and Development Studies at Western Sydney University.
Andre mentors early career researchers interested in migration and health research. If you are interested in mentoring feel free to send an email to andre.renzaho@westernsydney.edu.au
Thesis Title: The Epidemiology of Maternal and Child Health in Nepal: Evidence from the Demograph and Health Survey
PhD Student:
Field of Research:
Understanding community resilience to drought in Southern Africa and it’s impact on health and well-being: lessons from Swaziland and Lesotho
PhD Student:
Field of Research:
The Wellbeing of Aboriginal Children who Attend a `Two-way’ Independent Separatist School in Remote Australia: a post-colonial case study
PhD Student:
Field of Research: Society and Culture
Malnutrition in Nigerian Children
PhD Student:
Field of Research:Public Health
Childhood Obesity Prevention Among Disadvantaged Populations and Community Readiness to Engage: Using Childhood Obesity Prevention Advisory Council (COPAC) as a Case Study
PhD Student:
Field of Research: Public Health
Cultural Perspective to Child Protection: Targeting African Communities in Australia
PhD Student:
Field of Research:
Measure of Type 2 Diabetes Health Literacy among sub-Saharan African Migrants in Australia.
PhD Student:
Field of Research: Public Health